Tag Archives: victims

New Tool Helps Protect Public From Identity Theft

Remember the days when protecting your personal and financial information meant watching out for pickpockets and purse-snatchers? In today’s technology-driven world, thieves have developed much more cunning and sophisticated ways to steal your identity. Despite severe penalties – those convicted face up to 20 years in prison – identity theft is now the nation’s fastest-growing crime, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. More than 10 million people become victims of identity theft each year. Thieves not only use their victims’ identities to open bank and credit […]

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Why So Many People Are Identity Theft Victims

So many people out there today have been identity theft victims, and there are many explanations for this. Basically, there are so many identity theft victims largely in part due to the fact of how technologically advanced the world has become. After all, there is practically no one out there today that does not have or use a computer, and so that right there goes to show why there are so many identity theft victims. Since the Internet first came out, it has been much easier for […]

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It Really is Time to Worry About Identity Theft

All of us, no matter how careful, can become victims of identity theft. In fact, it was determined every three seconds another identity is stolen. In 2007 there were seventy nine million credit card and Social Security Number thefts according to major news media investigations. That was an increase of four million additional people over the previous years statistics, that had their identity or financial information compromised. This makes identity theft one of the fastest growing crimes in America. Anyone with a Social Security number and assets […]

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