Tag Archives: reports

How to Stop Becoming One of the Identity Theft Statistics

Identity theft statistics show that hundreds of thousands of people become victims of identity theft every year. The identity theft statistics show lots of numbers, but they do not really show the horrors of this crime. The victims can suffer for many years because of this crime. They lose thousands of dollars every year, and their lives become totally disrupted because of this crime. The identity theft statistics show that people in some states are more likely to suffer from the results of this crime than those […]

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Ten Ways to Fight Identity Theft

Recent reports estimate that as many as one in ten of the population have been a victim of indentity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes of the last few years. By using a variety of means to usurp your identity and pass themselves off as you, the criminals involved go on to commit fraud and theft in your name – leaving you to pick up the pieces afterwards. The effects on your credit rating can be devastating and often take years to completely fix, so prevention […]

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