Category Archives: Fighting Back

Identity Theft Books Are a Useful Guide to Help Prevent Identity Theft

There are many different reasons as to why you should get yourself identity theft books, and the most obvious is so that you can learn about identity theft in general and so that you can protect yourself from being an identity theft victim as much as you possibly can. There are so many different identity theft books out there, and you want to make sure that you get as many as you can so that you can be as informed as you possibly can. More About Identity […]

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Don’t Be a Victim of Identity Theft

Just about everybody has heard of identity theft, but most people do not believe it could ever happen to them. The fact is, identity theft is more common than most believe. It’s not hard for identity thieves to obtain all of the information they need in order to assume another person’s identity, but it can be made a whole lot harder for them if people remain smart and protect themselves as completely as possible. When it Happens… If a person becomes a victim of identity theft, it […]

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Ten Ways to Fight Identity Theft

Recent reports estimate that as many as one in ten of the population have been a victim of indentity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes of the last few years. By using a variety of means to usurp your identity and pass themselves off as you, the criminals involved go on to commit fraud and theft in your name – leaving you to pick up the pieces afterwards. The effects on your credit rating can be devastating and often take years to completely fix, so prevention […]

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